

[ stats ]

stat context value
adminsrabbits with vault-level keys.4
avg member rotreturn on time in eth.4.2
bear populationbears: singh, sama2
citizensincludes humans and bots.320
completed projectscycles through the wonderland.11
cows grazingthe herd will shill for mushrooms.4444.4
found on mars ownersdiamond hands fr1043
found on mars total valuea free project with eth benefits2.299
prompts engineeredagent associations1099
rabbits respawningbunnies producing within our neural network.5224.4
techniciansrabbit hole maintainers.6
w3bbie gdpgross decentralized product ($)250580.86

[ projects ]

alias desc
bull runmultiplayer racer, built with unity
found on marsai generated digital collectibles
gmbotin-house discord communication agent
goerli brandingdesign sprint, graphic identity
hack or die3rd-person-blaster, built with unity
init-elizaA powerful CLI tool for building, managing, and deploying AI agents
lil painterspeech to image ai application
nasty passdigital fast pass for nyc/la parties
repusprogressive web application (pwa), events engagement
shill farmgamified internet exploration
tecknomancerscollaborative digital collectibles
the w3bbie showweb3 focused podcast
yolo rabbitsinteractive nft with a neural network
zora landgamified explorations on zora-minted nfts